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Semester 1
in History & Social Sciences
AP® Psychology (1st semester of 2-semester course)

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Be sure to register for both semesters.
Course Length: Yearlong Course 1st Semester of a 2-semester course
Credit: 1.0
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Description: AP® Psychology provides an overview of current psychological research methods and theories. Students will explore the therapies used by professional counselors and clinical psychologists and examine the reasons for normal human reactions: how people learn and think, the process of human development and human aggression, altruism, intimacy, and self-reflection. They will study core psychological concepts, such as the brain and sense functions, and learn to gauge human reactions, gather information, and form meaningful syntheses. The course exposes students to facts, research, appropriate terminology, and major figures in the world of psychology. The equivalent of a 100-level college survey course, AP Psychology prepares students for the AP Exam and for further studies in psychology and life sciences.
AP® U.S. History (1st semester of 2-semester course)

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Be sure to register for both semesters
Course Length: 1st Semester Course of 2-semester course
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Description: Students explore and analyze the economic, political, and social transformation of the United States since the time of the first European encounters. Students are asked to master not only the wide array of factual information necessary to do well on the AP Exam, but also to practice skills of critical analysis of historical information and documents. Students read primary and secondary source materials and analyze problems presented by historians to gain insight into challenges of interpretation and the ways in which historical events have shaped American society and culture. The content aligns to the sequence of topics recommended by the College Board and to widely used textbooks. The course prepares students for the AP Exam.
AP® World History (1st semester of 2-semester course)

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Be sure to register for both semesters
Course Length: 1st Semester Course of 2-semester course
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of World History
Course Description: This course spans from ca. 1200 CE to the present in a rigorous academic format organized by chronological periods and viewed through fundamental concepts and course themes. Students analyze the causes and processes of continuity and change across historical periods. Themes include human-environment interaction, cultures, expansion and conflict, political and social structures, and economic systems. In addition to mastering historical content, students cultivate historical thinking skills that involve crafting arguments based on evidence, identifying causation, comparing and supplying context for events and phenomena, and developing historical interpretation. This course prepares students for the AP World History Exam.
AP® Macroeconomics

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Course Length: Semester Course
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra II
Course Description: This course is the equivalent of an introductory college-level course. Students learn why and how the world economy can change from month to month, how to identify trends in our economy, and how to use those trends to develop performance measures and predictors of economic growth or decline. Students also examine how individuals and institutions are influenced by employment rates, government spending, inflation, taxes, and production. Students prepare for the AP Exam and for further study in business, political science, and history.
Current Events
with Luke Johnson

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Course Length: Semester Course
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: – This semester-long course incorporates the use of various media platforms to enhance students’ historical thinking skills, as applied to events that have happened in the recent past. Students will gain the ability to think critically about the cause-and-effect of events, to understand them from multiple perspectives, and use inquiry to deepen their overall understanding. Direct instruction includes historical context to current events being analyzed and assessment will be a range of tools to determine a student's level of proficiency.
Modern World History (1st Semester of a 2-semester course)
with Colleen Loveless

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Be sure to register for both semesters.
Course Length: Yearlong Course 1st Semester of a 2-semester course
Credit: 1.0
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: – Throughout this course, students are encouraged to think critically, analyze different perspectives, and make connections between past and present events/places. They may also have opportunities for research projects, simulations, and discussions to deepen their understanding of key historical concepts and big ideas of human history from the Age of Exploration to the present.
with Colleen Loveless

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Course Length: Semester Course
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: 11-12 (Grade 10 with teacher approval)
Course Description: Do you ever wonder why you think the way you think or why you do the things you do? This course aims to introduce students to the fundamental concepts, theories, and methodologies of psychology, and the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. Students will be evaluated based on their understanding of key concepts, critical thinking skills, and their ability to apply psychological principles.
with Kaitlin Gasser

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Course Length: Semester Course
Credit: .5 credit
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite(s): None
Course Description: Students explore complex social issues in a variety of social settings—from families and schools to global cultures. Real-world application is the centerpiece of this course, as students complete projects to develop and apply their knowledge.