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Semester 2

in Law & Criminal Justice

AP®  Psychology History (2nd semester of 2-semester course)
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AP® Psychology History (2nd semester of 2-semester course)

Calendar Jan 27, 2025

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Be sure to register for both semesters.

Course Length:  Yearlong Course   2nd Semester of a 2-semester course

Credit: 1.0

Grade Level: 11-12

Course Description: AP® Psychology provides an overview of current psychological research methods and theories. Students will explore the therapies used by professional counselors and clinical psychologists and examine the reasons for normal human reactions: how people learn and think, the process of human development and human aggression, altruism, intimacy, and self-reflection. They will study core psychological concepts, such as the brain and sense functions, and learn to gauge human reactions, gather information, and form meaningful syntheses. The course exposes students to facts, research, appropriate terminology, and major figures in the world of psychology. The equivalent of a 100-level college survey course, AP Psychology prepares students for the AP Exam and for further studies in psychology and life sciences.

AP®  U.S. History (2nd semester of 2-semester course)
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AP® U.S. History (2nd semester of 2-semester course)

Calendar Jan 27, 2025

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Be sure to register for both semesters

Course Length: 2nd Semester Course of 2-semester course

Credit: 0.5

Grade Level: 11-12

Course Description: Students explore and analyze the economic, political, and social transformation of the United States since the time of the first European encounters. Students are asked to master not only the wide array of factual information necessary to do well on the AP Exam, but also to practice skills of critical analysis of historical information and documents. Students read primary and secondary source materials and analyze problems presented by historians to gain insight into challenges of interpretation and the ways in which historical events have shaped American society and culture. The content aligns to the sequence of topics recommended by the College Board and to widely used textbooks. The course prepares students for the AP Exam.

AP®  World History: Modern (2nd semester of 2-semester course)
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AP® World History: Modern (2nd semester of 2-semester course)

Calendar Jan 27, 2025

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Be sure to register for both semesters

Course Length: 2nd Semester Course of 2-semester course

Credit: 0.5

Grade Level: 11-12

Prerequisite: Successful completion of World History

Course Description: This course spans from ca. 1200 CE to the present in a rigorous academic format organized by chronological periods and viewed through fundamental concepts and course themes. Students analyze the causes and processes of continuity and change across historical periods. Themes include human-environment interaction, cultures, expansion and conflict, political and social structures, and economic systems. In addition to mastering historical content, students cultivate historical thinking skills that involve crafting arguments based on evidence, identifying causation, comparing and supplying context for events and phenomenon, and developing historical interpretation. This course prepares students for the AP World History Exam.


Careers and Issues in Criminal Justice
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Careers and Issues in Criminal Justice

Calendar Jan 27, 2025

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Course Length:  Semester Course 

Credit:  .5 credit 

Grades: 9-12 

Prerequisite(s): None 

Course Description:  Is a career in criminal justice right for you?  This course explores issues facing the criminal justice system and criminal justice professionals while introducing students to a variety of criminal justice career options and skills. 


Computer Literacy 2nd Semester of 2 semester course
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Computer Literacy 2nd Semester of 2 semester course

Calendar Jan 27, 2025

Register for Free. Please have correct billing details available to provide during registration.

Be sure to register for both semesters

Course Length:  Yearlong Course (2nd semester of a 2-semester course)

Credit:  1.0 credit (.5 credit for 2nd semester)

Grades: 9-12 

Prerequisite(s): None

Course Description:  Using project-based learning, students will explore the basics of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.  Students will create documents that will enhance introductory skills such as manipulating text and images to create effective projects in both programs.  Students will understand the social and ethical issues surrounding the internet, information, and security. To be successful, students need to commit to the course timelines and guidelines.  Students will take the IC3 Certification.  This certification consists of three exams: Living Online, Computing Fundamentals, and Key Applications.

Personal Computers:  It is strongly recommended that students in this course use a Stride K12 issued computer exclusively for content in this course.

Note:  Dual credit can be earned for IT Security Awareness

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Calendar Jan 27, 2025

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Course Length:  Semester Course

Credit:  .5 credit 

Grades: 11-12

Prerequisite(s): Pass Sociology with a C or better OR by teacher recommendation.

Course Description:  Every society has laws that its citizens must follow.  This course focuses on the creation and application of laws in various areas of society. By understanding the workings of our court system and how laws are carried out, students become more informed and responsible citizens.

Forensic Science 2
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Forensic Science 2

Calendar Jan 27, 2025

Register for Free. Please have correct billing details available to provide during registration.

Course Length:  Semester Course

Credit:  .5 credit 

Grades: 10-12

Prerequisite(s): Pass Biology and Forensic Science 1 with a C or better

Course Description:  Have you taken Forensic Science 1 and want to dig even deeper into Forensic Science/CSI?  Expand your learning with Forensic Science 2.  This class picks up where Forensic Science 1 leaves off.  We explore additional evidence types, including some of the "grosser" ones, like decomposition, entomology, and blood spatter.  Additional topics include DNA, blood spatter, toxicology, and physical trauma.  As in Forensic Science 1, we also tie these topics to real-world cases through our case studies.

Interpersonal Communication
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Interpersonal Communication

Calendar Jan 27, 2025

Register for Free. Please have correct billing details available to provide during registration.

Course Length:  Semester Course

Credit:  .5 credit (English Credit)

Grades: 10-12

Prerequisite(s): None

Course Description:  Take your communication skills to the next level in this course focused on business and career writing, speaking, and collaboration.  Collaborative communication is one of the top skills employers are seeking across career industries.  Develop those skills as you complete meaningful, real-world applicable projects with your peers in this course. 

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