Earth Science (2nd Semester of a 2-semester course)
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Be sure to register for both semesters.
Course Length: Yearlong Course 2nd Semester of a 2-semester course
Credit: 1.0
Recommended Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: This course provides a comprehensive survey of all key areas: astronomy, plate tectonics, weather and climate, and more. In this class students will answer questions like: What has made Earth able to sustain life? If we are not successful in stopping the negative changes to planet Earth, is there an exoplanet that is Earth-like enough to sustain life?; Why do earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis occur in some places on Earth, how are they related, and what does this all mean for risk in different parts of the world?; Will there be more frequent and more intense severe storms in the future?
Jan 26 - Jun 8th, 2026
Online Class
For more info, call us at 608.838.9482 x7842