Adobe Photoshop
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Course Length: Semester Course
Credit: .5 credit
Grades: 11-12
Prerequisite(s): None
Course Description: Adobe Photoshop has long provided cutting edge technology for sophisticated digital editing, and this course provides a solid foundation for those looking to learn this industry-standard program. This course prepares students for the Adobe® Certified Associate Photoshop CC 2015 certification. Real-world, practical examples and step-by-step instruction throughout offer well-rounded, comprehensive coverage of both artistic and technical features. Topics covered include working with layers, making selections, incorporating color, using type, using tools, special effects and filters, and transformation. Adobe® Photoshop software will be available for students via remote download.
Jan 26 - Jun 8th, 2026
Online Class
For more info, call us at 608.838.9482 x7842