AP ® Statistics (1st Semester of a 2-semester course)
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Be sure to register for both semesters.
Course Length: Yearlong Course 1st Semester of a 2-semester course
Credit: 1.0
Recommended Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisites: Success in Algebra II (or equivalent) and teacher/school counselor recommendation
Course Description: AP Statistics gives students hands-on experience collecting, analyzing, graphing, and interpreting real-world data. They will learn to effectively design and analyze research studies by reviewing and evaluating real research examples taken from daily life. The next time they hear the results of a poll or study, they will know whether the results are valid. As the art of drawing conclusions from imperfect data and the science of real-world uncertainties, statistics plays an important role in many fields. The equivalent of an introductory college-level course, AP Statistics prepares students for the AP exam and for further study in science, sociology, medicine, engineering, political science, geography, and business.
Sep 8th, 2025 - Jan 16th, 2026
Online Class
For more info, call us at 608.838.9482 x7842