Spanish 4 (1st semester of 2-semester course)
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Be sure to register for both semesters.
Course Length: Yearlong Course
1st semester of 2-semester course
Credit: 1.0 credit
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite(s): Spanish III (or equivalent)
Course Description: Students further deepen their understanding of Spanish by focusing on the three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. Each unit consists of a variety of activities which teach the students how to understand more difficult written and spoken passages, to communicate with others through informal speaking and writing interactions, and to express their thoughts and opinions in more formal spoken and written contexts. Students should expect to be actively engaged in their own language learning; use correct vocabulary terms and phrases naturally; incorporate a wide range of grammar concepts consistently and correctly while speaking and writing; participate in conversations covering a wide range of topics and respond appropriately to conversational prompts; analyze and compare cultural practices, products, and perspectives of various Spanish-speaking countries; read and analyze important pieces of Hispanic literature; and take frequent assessments by which their language progression can be monitored.
Sep 8th, 2025 - Jan 16th, 2026
Online Class
For more info, call us at 608.838.9482 x7842