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Spanish 1 (2nd Semester of 2 semester class)

Sign up for both semesters!
No fee is required upfront; however, billing information will need to be provided as part of the enrollment process.
Course Length: Yearlong Course
Credit: 1.0 credit
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite(s): None
Course Description: Second Semester of two-semester course Students begin their introduction to Spanish by focusing on the four key areas of world language study: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each unit consists of a new vocabulary theme and grammar concept, reading and listening comprehension activities, speaking and writing activities, multimedia cultural presentations, and interactive activities and practices which reinforce vocabulary and grammar. Students should expect to be actively engaged in their own language learning; become familiar with common vocabulary terms and phrases; participate in simple conversations and respond appropriately to basic conversational prompts; analyze and compare cultural practices, products, and perspectives of various Spanish-speaking countries; and take frequent assessments by which their language progression can be monitored.
Note: Students who have already succeeded in Middle School Spanish 2 should enroll in Spanish II
Spanish 2 (2nd Semester of 2 semester class)

Sign up for both semesters!
No fee is required upfront; however, billing information will need to be provided as part of the enrollment process.
Course Length: Yearlong Course
2nd Semester of 2-semester course
Credit: 1.0 credit
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite(s): Spanish I; Middle School Spanish 1 and 2 (or equivalents)
Course Description: Students continue their study of Spanish by further expanding their knowledge of key vocabulary topics and grammar concepts. Students not only begin to comprehend listening and reading passages more fully, but they also start to express themselves more meaningfully in both speaking and writing. Each unit consists of a new vocabulary theme and grammar concept, reading and listening comprehension activities, speaking and writing activities, multimedia cultural presentations, and interactive activities and practices which reinforce vocabulary and grammar. There is a strong emphasis on providing context and conversational examples for the language concepts presented in each unit. Students should expect to be actively engaged in their own language learning; understand common vocabulary terms and phrases; use a wide range of grammar patterns in their speaking and writing; participate in conversations and respond appropriately to conversational prompts; analyze and compare cultural practices, products, and perspectives of various Spanish-speaking countries; and take frequent assessments by which their language progression can be monitored. By Semester 2, the course is conducted almost entirely in Spanish.
Spanish 3 (2nd semester of 2-semester course)

Register for Free. Please have correct billing details available to provide during registration.
Be sure to register for both semesters.
Course Length: Yearlong Course
2nd semester of 2-semester course
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite(s): Spanish II (or equivalent)
Course Description: Intermediate Spanish students who have a strong base of vocabulary, speaking, and listening skills reach a new level of mastery and fluency in this course. Through games and compelling stories, students learn advanced grammar and vocabulary, with an emphasis on correct accents and comprehension of real-world native speech. Error-recognition technology helps students eliminate common mistakes from their speaking and writing. Engaging graphics, videos, and games keep students interested, and make learning languages exciting.
Spanish 4 (2nd semester of 2-semester course)

Register for Free. Please have correct billing details available to provide during registration.
Be sure to register for both semesters.
Course Length: Yearlong Course
2nd semester of 2-semester course
Grades: 9-12
Spanish IV
Course Length: Yearlong Course
Credit: 1.0 credit
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite(s): Spanish III (or equivalent)
Course Description: Students further deepen their understanding of Spanish by focusing on the three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. Each unit consists of a variety of activities which teach the students how to understand more difficult written and spoken passages, to communicate with others through informal speaking and writing interactions, and to express their thoughts and opinions in more formal spoken and written contexts. Students should expect to be actively engaged in their own language learning; use correct vocabulary terms and phrases naturally; incorporate a wide range of grammar concepts consistently and correctly while speaking and writing; participate in conversations covering a wide range of topics and respond appropriately to conversational prompts; analyze and compare cultural practices, products, and perspectives of various Spanish-speaking countries; read and analyze important pieces of Hispanic literature; and take frequent assessments by which their language progression can be monitored.
Sports Medicine

Register for Free. Please have correct billing details available to provide during registration.
Course Length: Semester Course
Credit: .5 credit
Grades: 11-12
Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of any Health Sciences course at the Intermediate Level
Course Description: What do you think of when you hear the phrase “sports medicine professional?” Believe it or not, the term encompasses a much larger range of career options than jobs typically associated with the field. Explore some of the most popular career pathways, day-to-day responsibilities, emergency care for athletes, and legal obligations. Discover what nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and fitness truly mean, and dive into anatomy, human biomechanics, and exercise modalities.
U.S. History (2nd Semester of a 2-semester course)

Register for Free. Please have the correct billing details available to provide during registration.
Be sure to register for both semesters.
Course Length: Yearlong Course 2nd Semester of a 2-semester course
Credit: 1.0
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: How was our government designed to work by the Founding Fathers? Why is the United States involved in so many wars and conflicts? How did our ancestors come to live here and why? How can marginalized groups gain equality? In US History, we will learn, research, and analyze these questions to better understand our place and space in US history. Over the year, we will focus on four themes: government and politics, conflicts, immigration/migration, and social movements.
US Government & Politics

Register for Free. Please have correct billing details available to provide during registration.
Course Length: Semester Course
Credit: .5 credit
Grades: 11-12
Prerequisite(s): None
Course Description: In this capstone course, students develop a deep understanding of the functions and structures of the United States Government by examining political issues and campaigns, the Constitution, the lawmaking process, and the court system. There is the option to complete supplementary coursework to prepare for the AP US Government and Politics Exam for students enrolled in this course.
Web Design I/II (2nd semester of 2 semester course)

Register for Free. Please have correct billing details available to provide during registration.
Be sure to register for both semesters.
Course Length: Yearlong Course (2nd semester of a 2-semester course)
Credit: 1.0 credit (.5 credit for 1st semester)
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite(s): None
Course Description: Web Design is a course that teaches students how to build their own web pages. Students will learn the languages HTML and CSS and will create their own live homepages to serve as portfolios of their creations. By the end of this course, students will be able to explain how web pages are developed and viewed on the Internet, analyze and fix errors in existing websites, and create their very own multi page websites. Students will learn the foundations of user interface design, rapid prototyping and user testing, and will work together to create professional, mobile responsive websites.